Oral surgery for receding gums is an excellent option for those seeking to restore the natural harmony of their smile. At Rockland Dental Specialists, our experienced oral surgeons will delve deep into your unique dental needs, offering personalized guidance to navigate the path of gum restoration safely and effectively. Our knowledge and understanding help ensure that each decision made is in perfect alignment with your individual oral health needs and aesthetic goals.
Your journey toward restoring gum health and achieving a radiant smile begins with a commitment to personalized care. At Rockland Dental Specialists, our team is dedicated to providing exceptional oral care. We utilize the latest technologies and techniques in periodontics, implants, and endodontics to deliver optimal results with minimal discomfort.
What Are the Available Surgical Options for Receding Gums?
The most common surgical option for receding gums is gum grafting, which involves replacing the lost tissue around your teeth. Typically, gum grafting is performed by a periodontist or a gum specialist. This is a common periodontal procedure, so a periodontal specialist can confidently navigate this surgical option.
In some cases, gum flap surgery or regenerative procedures may also be utilized to restore gum tissue. However, depending on the circumstances, these options are less common and may not be necessary.
What Causes Receding Gums?
There are many potential causes of receding gums, including gum or periodontal disease, genetic dispositions to thinning gums, aggressive brushing, and other health conditions. Your dentist or oral surgeon may discuss different causes of receding gums, especially if it is unlikely one of these is not the cause.
What Happens During a Gum Graft Surgery?
Gum graft surgery, generally speaking, includes a handful of steps. You can expect the following when you come in for surgery at Rockland Dental Specialists:
- Local anesthesia: Once you’ve checked in, we can prepare for your surgery. When you and your periodontist are ready, local anesthesia will be used to numb your teeth and gums in the affected area. Sometimes, we may also provide sedated dentistry through nitrous oxide, oral sedation, or IV sedation. Please speak to your surgeon about options, especially if you have preferences or are concerned about comfort.
- Site preparation: Once you are comfortable, your periodontist can prepare the area. This will include making an incision and forming a small flap in the gums. Your periodontist will also thoroughly clean your teeth, roots, and other necessary surfaces.
- Gum graft harvesting: If you and your surgeon decide to use donated gum tissue, this step may be skipped. When you do not use donated tissue, your surgeon will harvest a wedge of internal tissue from the roof of your mouth. The outer layer will stay intact, and the site will be sutured closed or covered with dressing.
- Placing the graft: The area that has recessed, likely the now exposed teeth roots, will have the graft placed over the top.
- Suturing: Stitches will be placed to ensure your gum tissue is laying correctly. Depending on what your surgeon uses, the stitches will dissolve or fall out on their own, or your surgeon will remove them at a follow-up appointment.
Rockland Dental Specialists is here to answer any questions, provide additional resources and information, and give you peace and clarity before and after your procedure.
Restore Gum Tissue With Confidence: Get Valuable Support From Rockland Dental Specialists
Restoring your gum tissue is a step toward a brighter smile and a leap toward enhanced oral health and overall well-being. At Rockland Dental Specialists, your comfort and safety are paramount, reflected in our commitment to using state-of-the-art technology and minimally invasive techniques.
With our specialized practice in periodontics, implants, and endodontics, we offer a spectrum of options tailored to your unique needs. Our office is more than a dental practice; it’s a place where compassionate care meets cutting-edge technology. Whether you seek gum grafting or other advanced treatments, our dedicated team is here to guide you every step of the way. To start this transformative journey and restore the health and beauty of your smile, reach out to Rockland Dental Specialists at (845) 400-9205 or by completing our contact form.