What is LARiP?
LARiP stands for Laser-Assisted Ridge Preservation. As the name implies, it’s a technique employed to preserve the ridge of the jawbone in a site where your surgeon extracts a tooth. Typically, this procedure prepares the extraction site for future placement of a dental implant.
LARiP takes place during the same visit as the tooth extraction. After the surgeon removes the tooth, they use a specialized dental laser within the socket where the roots of the tooth were. The final step is the placement of bone graft material. The laser serves multiple functions to improve the body’s ability to heal into the grafted bone material.
The goal of LARiP is to induce the body’s healing after a tooth extraction, producing the ideal height, width, and consistency of the jawbone necessary for the placement of a dental implant. Both the quality and quantity of jawbone around a dental implant are important for long-term success.
Which Patients Needs Ridge Preservation?
The purpose of the bone in the upper and lower jaws is to surround and support the teeth. When teeth are not present, the bone resorbs or shrinks over time. It begins to shrink first in the width, becoming narrow. If enough time passes, it will also shrink in height. This bone shrinkage could prevent the restoration of missing teeth with dental implants.
In order to counteract this bone shrinkage, your surgeon may recommend ridge preservation at the time of your tooth extraction. LARiP involves the placement of a bone graft after preparing the extraction socket with a laser. This procedure stimulates healthy bone growth into the socket and prevents its collapse.
How is LARiP Different than other Socket Preservation Grafts?
Many surgeons place socket preservation grafts at the time of tooth extractions to fill in the extraction site and help maintain its width and height while the body heals. Adding the use of a dental laser provides several benefits over grafting alone.
Preventing Disinfection in Your Teeth
The dental laser has a sterilization effect, killing any bacteria present in the socket. Most teeth we extract have an infection present. The toxins produced by the bacteria present in these infections delays the healing process. By disinfecting the extraction socket with the laser, we remove that barrier to healing.
Dental Procedures for the Initiation of Clotting
Our specialized dental laser has many different energy settings, and it performs different functions in different settings. One of those functions is to initiate the clotting process. When the blood begins to clot, it changes from a very runny consistency into a gel-like substance.
What is Hemostasis?
Hemostasis simply means that the bleeding stops while keeping all the cells alive. It’s normal for any oral surgery procedure to cause bleeding. Bleeding is an essential part of the healing process. Our laser gives us the ability to control bleeding. We are able to allow bleeding for the appropriate amount of time to produce optimal healing and then stop it.
This is advantageous for any patients with bleeding disorders or taking blood thinner medications. It also makes every patient more comfortable to leave the office without any concern over prolonged bleeding.
What Can I Expect from LARiP?
You will not feel any pain during a LARiP procedure. After the surgeon removes the tooth, he will begin using the dental laser. During this time you should not feel anything due to the numbing effect of the local anesthetic. You will hear some minor buzzing or clicking sounds as the laser works. The placement of bone graft material requires only very light pressure, which you will not feel.
How Long is the Recovery from LARiP?
There are two phases of recovery from any ridge preservation. The initial healing phase involves the closure of gum tissue over the extraction socket. Typically, this takes three to six weeks. LARiP will speed healing and closure can be as early as two weeks. By following all of your surgeon’s post-operative instructions, you can ensure your fastest healing.
The underlying jawbone requires a longer period of time for healing. The time necessary for the integration of new bone into the jaw bone varies by person. It also differs between the upper and lower jaws. Usually, the lower bone heals more quickly than the upper. The average healing time for bone is three to four months. Your surgeon will monitor this healing phase by taking periodic x-rays to confirm new bone growth.
Schedule Your Dental Care With Rockland Dental
Rockland Dental Specialists offers advanced laser surgery alongside their state-of-the-art dental care in the New City, NY area. Board-certified endodontists Dr. Lisa Nava Cohen & Dr. Rachel Snyder, and board-certified periodontist and implantologist Dr. Shalom Mintz are here to bring you the best laser assisted ridge preservation experience possible with more than two decades of combined experience.They are passionate about helping patients maintain their overall oral health. Contact us today at 845-259-2500 to speak with one of our team members about the endodontic services we offer or book an appointment online here.